Northville MI City Council Members: What We Can Do To Help Ukraine

Marcu Forester, a pseudonym
2 min readMar 21, 2022


Greetings Mr. Turnbull, Ms. Moroski-Browne, Ms. Marilyn Price, Mr. Andrew Krenz, and Mr. John Carter:

Thank you for your service to our great town. Thank you for being here to listen to its residents.

I am standing here before you tonight to ask a question and begin a dialogue to try to answer this question I have asked myself for the past four weeks: “What can I (we) do to help Ukraine and its brave people at this dire moment of great import for the entire world and humanity?”

I’ve been wracking my brain, praying for an answer ever since I felt the first pang of anguish, utter pain, and feeling of helplessness since the first image of suffering came across our television screens more than three weeks ago.

As a second generation American with Ukrainian roots — my grandmother was born and raised in Odesa — this is personal. But this War on democracy by a murderous bully impacts us all. As the War has made clear, the fate of freedom-loving Ukrainians has direct implications for us all. The entire world watches in tears and fears about our own fates. If this new democracy is suffocated, what does it mean for others.

The Biden Administration, NATO and the European Union is responding strongly. Still, thousands of women, children, elderly people, and soldiers are dying as Putin directs his attacks on civilian populations.

As we stand at a distance and watch the carnage, we ask, “What more can we do?”

The U.S. Conference of Mayors met last month and passed a resolution condemning the unprovoked attack and continuing aggression. On a video call the mayors heard from the Ukrainian Ambassador in Washington with suggestions about what they could do to help.

I stand here today with my own proposed resolution I ask you to help draft draft to gain your approval. Here it is:



Marcu Forester, a pseudonym

Journalist and memoir writer: I like to think of myself as an early Baby Boomer still coming of age.